2013 u.achieve/DARwin Training Workshop Schedule & Survey

by | Sep 6, 2012 | Training

2013 u.achieve/DARwin Training Workshop Schedule & SurveyWe are pleased to announce the schedule of u.achieve®/DARwin training workshops for 2013. We hope to see you at one or more of the following workshops in Cincinnati:

  • u.achieve/DARwin Basic Encoding Workshop, March 12-15
  • u.achieve/DARwin Transfer Articulation Workshop, April 16-19
  • u.achieve/DARwin Basic Encoding Workshop, July 30-August 2
  • u.achieve/DARwin Intermediate Encoding Workshop, September 24-27

If other dates would be a better fit or you have several people you would like to train, contact us about delivering the workshop training directly to your campus. Workshop details can be found on our website.
u.achieve/DARwin Training Survey
We want your feedback! If you have suggestions about scheduling or encoding topics you would like to see us provide in the next 12-18 months, now is your opportunity to tell us! Fill out our short, multiple-choice survey and let us know your training needs and preferences.